Kiwi-SJX Upgrade
The Kiwi-SJX Upgrade features:- 512 Patches can be stored and edited. Unlike the JX-10/MKS-70 the patches store the tones as part of the patch. The tones stored within a Patch can be edited and saved as new Patches or as individual Tones. 512 Library Tones can be stored and edited. These can be copied to and from any Upper or Lower Tones in a Patch Patches and Library Tones are stored in Flash memory so no battery is required. MidiCC & Sysex support for all parameters and Midi Sysex support for Patch, Tone & Sequence Dump & Load The Kiwi Patch Editor v8.1 or higher supports the Kiwi-SJX MidiQuest12 has full library & editor support. PG-800 support for control of parameters. Midi CC & PG800 edits will act on the currently selected Tone (U/L) Patch Key Assign Modes are Whole, Dual & Split Tone Key Assign Modes are Poly Single, Poly Dual, Poly Triple, Unison & Solo. Each voice board can have it's own Tone and Key assign setting. Each Voice Tone Key Assign mode can have Staccato/Legato, Steal/No Steal with five steal modes (Highest, Lowest, Oldest, Newest, Quietest) Portamento is available in all modes. Each voice board can have it's own setting. DCO Key Assign Detune available in all key modes except Solo. In addition there is an 'Analog Feel' parameter that adds an adjustable small random frequency to each note. Detune is best used with Poly Dual, Poly Triple or Unison keying modes for greatest effect. Each voice board can have it's own setting. Three independent envelope generators. These are DADSR type. Each ENV Mod can select from ENV 1 - 3. These are faster than the traditional JX-10 envelopes Three independent Low Frequency Oscillators with 6 waveforms each. Each LFO Mod source can select from LFO 1-3. LFOs can be plus and minus base note or plus base note only. LFOs can be sync'd to the master clock with independent scaling. Aftertouch scaling option to help with the failing JX-10 aftertouch strip. Key transpose allows transposition to any key with a range of plus 2 or minus 1 octaves. Internal Master Clock with the range 5-299 BPM. The JX-10 version also has a Tap Timer button. Full Matrix mod system that can channel any of the 30 mod sources to any of the 40 destinations. Roland Tone and Patch sysex dumps into the SJX are supported Tone imports from Oberhiem M1000, Kiwi-1000, Kiwi-30, Kiwi-8P & Roland JX-10 and JX-8P sysex dumps are supported. A quality Front Panel Button Overlay is provided with the Kiwi-SJX JX-10 and MKS-70 upgrades CHORD MODE Any chord with up to 6 notes can be set and played from any key ARPEGGIATOR The Arpeggiator is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note. Arp modes are Up, Down, Up and Down, Random, As Played, 1, 2, 3 or 4 octaves Arp can be Started, Stopped & Continued using Midi Commands Appeggiator will Output Midi Data SEQUENCER 8 separate 124 Max step Polyphonic sequences can be created and stored Sequences can be edited The Sequencer is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note. Sequencer will Output Midi Data
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©Roland Names & Logos are owned by Roland Kiwitechnics Kiwi-SJX Upgrade has not been authorised or endorsed by Roland
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Prices  Kiwi-SJX Upgrade is US$225 + Freight US$54 (USA), US$48(EU,ASIA),US$28(Australia) via NZ Post Economy Courier (tracked*)  Currency conversion can be done using  * Tracking is available to USA, UK & Most of Europe - for other destinations please contact.  Purchase requires a verified Paypal email. Please use the order page to have a Paypal invoice sent to you.
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