The Kiwi-30 Upgrade features:-
1536 Tones in 3 Sets of 512 can be stored and all can be edited. It is also possible to edit any Tone using the front panel, PG-200 or midi.
Tones are stored in Flash memory so no battery is required.
A Wave Board Module is included with the Kiwi-30. This allows Pulse Width control and waveform mixing.
After tuning during the Kiwi-30 upgrade install a Saw wave tuning offset keeps the wave shape correct for all voices across
the full range. Due to component tolerances this is not possible on the original MKS-30 hardware.
MidiCC & Sysex support for parameters edits and Midi Sysex support for Tone Dump & Load. The Kiwi30 will support full
midi control and editing in real time.
The Midi Through Port on the MKS-30 is converted to Midi Out so midi dumps can be made
Key Assign Modes are Poly Single, Poly Dual, Poly Triple, Unison & Solo
Each Key Assign mode can have Staccato/Legato, Steal/No Steal with six steal modes (Highest, Lowest, Oldest, Newest,
Quietest, None)
Portamento in all modes
DCO Key Assign Detune available in all key modes. In addition there is a 'Analog Feel' parameter that add an adjustable
small random frequency to each note. Detune is best used with Poly Dual, Poly Triple or Unison keying modes for greatest
Three independent envelope generators. These are traditional ADSR type. Each ENV Mod can select from ENV 1 - 3 and has an Inverted or Normal modes.
Three independent Low Frequency Oscillators with 6 waveforms each. Each LFO Mod can select from LFO 1-3. LFOs can be plus and minus base note or plus
base note only.
Internal Master Clock with the range 5-299 BPM and rate can be set using a tap timer.
Full Matrix mod system that can channel any mod source to any mod destination.
Guitar Mode with seperate Bend & Note control for midi channels 1-6.
Polyphonic Aftertouch is supported.
LCD display is included with the upgrade that fits into the redunant CART slot.
Any chord with up to 6 notes can be set and played from any key
The Arpeggiator is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8
Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64
Arp modes are Up, Down, Up and Down, Random, As Played, 1, 2, 3 or 4 octaves
Arp can be Started, Stopped & Continued using Midi Commands
Appeggiator will Output Midi Data
8 separate 124 Max step Polyphonic sequences can be created and stored
Sequences can be edited
The Sequencer is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8
Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64
Sequencer will Output Midi Data
storage. The upgrade also adds a LCD display into the redundant cartridge slot.
Kiwi-30 Upgrade is US$225 + Freight
Kiwi-30 Wave Board & CPU upgrade is US$135 (This option is for Kiwi-30 s/n 40026-40130)
Kiwi-30 Wave Board only upgrade is US$90 (This option is for Kiwi-30 s/n 40131-40191)
US$54 (USA), US$47(EU,ASIA),US$22(Australia) via NZ Post Economy Courier (tracked*)
Wave board upgrades will be shipped using NZ Post tracked parcel post at US$20.
Currency conversion can be done using
* Tracking is available to USA, UK & Most of Europe - for other destinations please contact.
Purchase requires a verified Paypal email. Please use the order page to have a Paypal invoice sent to you.
Roland MKS-30
Service Manual
©Roland Names & Logos are owned by Roland
Kiwitechnics Kiwi-30 Upgrade has not been authorised or endorsed by Roland
Menu Map User Manual v1 Build2
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I think your kiwi-30 upgrade is way more sophisticated than the old JH though, that was mostly a firmware update. I'm already majorly impressed with this! It doesn't even
sound like the same instrument anymore I swear! Much improved. And adding an LCD screen to something that never had one before, very impressed! Jordan - USA
Now the Kiwi-30, for me, is on par with the MKS-80. The MKS-30 was always more characterful than the MKS-80 and later Roland synths because of the filter,
and now with three envelopes, it goes places the MKS-80 can’t. David - USA
Latest Firmware
Front Panel Overlay
Synthspa in the USA is making a quality front panel overlay for the Kiwi-30 and it can be found here.