The JX-3P Matrix Upgrade features:- 1024 Tones & 8 Sequences can be stored and edited, Sequences can be optionally linked to tones. It is also possible to edit any Tone or Seq. A Pulse Width Module is included with the Kiwi3P Matrix. This allows Pulse Width control and waveform mixing. After tuning during the Kiwi-3P Matrix upgrade install a Saw wave tuning offset keeps the wave shape correct for all voices across the full range. Due to component tolerances this is not possible on the original JX-3P hardware. A Chorus Control board is included with the Kiwi3P Matrix. This allows variable Chorus Rate and manual control. Saw, Pulse Width & Square Waveforms can be solo or mixed in any combination. Sysex support for all and MidiCC for most parameters, Midi Sysex support for Tone Dump & Load Patch Editor Control of Parameters (requires PE v 8.3 or later) MidiQuest 12 includes editors for all the Kiwi range and it will work with any midi editor. The manual has full midi details. Full Matrix system with 29 Source and 40 Destination types. Key Assign Modes are Poly Single, Poly Dual, Poly Triple, Unison & Solo Each Key Assign mode can have Rotate/Reassign, Staccato/Legato, Steal/No Steal with five steal modes (Highest, Lowest, Oldest, Newest, Quietest) Portamento in all key modes Note Detune available in all key modes, DCO 1 & 2 have separate Tune controls (±12 semitones) and DCO2 has a Fine Tune (±50 cents). There is also an Analogue Feel parameter that adds a small random detune to notes. Master Synth Fine Tune adjust in both hardware and software. Three independent envelope generators. These are traditional ADSR type and are modeled on the Original JX-3P. Each ENV Mod can select from ENV 1 - 3 and has an Inverted or Normal modes. These are faster than the traditional JX-3P envelopes and are matrix sources. Three independent Low Frequency Oscillators with 6 waveforms each. Each LFO Mod can select from LFO 1-3 and they are a matrix source. LFOs can be plus and minus base note or plus base note only. Midi Note Aftertouch (Channel & Note), Midi and Internal Modulation Level and Midi Note Dynamics are all Matrix sources and can be sent any Matrix Destination. LFO Button is a Matrix Source and can inject mod control to any matrix destination. Bend Lever is coded to DCO Frequency for Bend but is also a Matrix Source which can be sent to any Destination Front panel editing is available for all parameters. These can be edited via midi or the PG-200 (supported only). Master, Sequencer and Arpeggiator clocks can optionally display on the front panel Key transpose allows transposition to any key. The range for this is -1 Octave to +2 Octaves CHORD MODE Any chord with up to 6 notes can be set and played from any key ARPEGGIATOR The Arpeggiator is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note. Arp modes are Up, Down, Up and Down, Random, As Played, 1, 2, 3 or 4 octaves Arp can be Started, Stopped & Continued using Midi Commands Appeggiator will Output Midi Data SEQUENCER 8 separate 124 Max step Polyphonic sequences can be created and stored Sequences can be edited The Sequencer is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note. Sequencer can be Started, Stopped & Continued using Midi Commands Sequencer will Output Midi Data PG-200 PG-200 support where possible (see manual) PG-200 will output midi data
The upgrade is a small replacement board for the 3P CPU (IC 44), a board to control chorus speed and a board to add PW wave. It will require removing the CPU and replacing it with a 40pin socket which is supplied with the Upgrade. This needs to be done with good desoldering equipment by a competent technician so that the 3P board is not damaged. Instructions are supplied in the user guide.
User Manualv1.4
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©Roland Names & Logos are owned by Roland Corporation Kiwitechnics Kiwi-3P Matrix Upgrade has not been authorised or endorsed by Roland
This link  will take you to replacement Key Contacts made by LA Synth.
Kiwi-3P Matrix Upgrade Price is US$225 + freight Kiwi-3P -> Kiwi-3P Matrix Upgrade Price is $175 + freight * The upgrade includes a board to replace the JX-3P CPU, a board to control and mix the three wave types and a small board to control the Chorus speed. *The Kiwi-3P -> Kiwi-3P Matrix upgrade does not include the chorus upgrade board as this is unchanged from the original Kiwi-3P Freight and packaging cost are US$54 (USA), US$48(EU,ASIA),US$28(Australia) via NZ Post Economy Courier (tracked*) Currency conversion can be done using * Tracking is available to USA, UK & Most of Europe - for other destinations please contact.
Purchase requires a verified Paypal email. Please use the order page to have a Paypal invoice sent to you.
3P Service Manual
Kiwi-3P Matrix Upgrade
Note - This is a new product and not an upgrade to the existing Kiwi-3P Upgrade.
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